Sunday, 2 December 2012

Modelling & Simulation

Model is a representation of an object, a system or an idea.
Two types:
1. Physical (Scale models, prototype plants)
2. Mathematicals (Analytical queuing models, simulations, linear program)

  • Analytical solution 
  • Simulation

What is modelling?

  • Modelling is a way of thinking and reasoning about systems.

Simulation is an operation of a model which is a representative of that system.
This model is amenable to manipulation which would be impossible, too expensive or too impractical to perform on the system which it portrays.

Simulation is used in designing  and analyzing manufacturing systems. Simulations can be used in chemistry, geographic and others.

Steps in Simulation & Model Building

  1. Define an achievable goal
  2. Put together a complete mix of skills on the team
  3. Involve the end-user 
  4. Choose the appropriate simulation tools
  5. Model the appropriate level (s) of detail 
  6. Start early to collect the necessary input data
  7. Provide adequate and on-going documentation
  8. Develop a plan for adequate model verification 
  9. Develop a plan for model validation
  10. Develop a plan for statistical output analysis

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